These are the ultimate multi-day expedition saddle bags from Freerein, for memorable equestrian adventures. The Expedition saddle bags are a set of two easily accessible, spacious bags which together have the same capacity as an aircraft carry-on case, yet are themselves extremely lightweight. They have a large top flap which is tightened with a drawstring and cord-stopper toggle and secured with two clip locks. They sit behind the saddle either side of your horse and attach securely to the saddle with two top snap-clips at the D Rings (featured on the Freerein Edition Thorowgood Saddle) and at the girth straps. The bags come with an adjustable secondary girth – this attaches the two bags together and passes underneath your horse’s stomach, clipping onto the girth at its base. This reduces the movement of the bags at faster paces.
Like all the saddle bags in the Freerein Equipment Explorer Range, these are hand-made in Wales from PVC-lined, 1,000 denier material, making them hard-wearing, waterproof and mud-repellent. Incredibly, the design of these Expedition Saddle Bags has barely changed since they were first created over 30 years ago! Since then they have taken countless riders across Wales on horseback and they’ll take you wherever you want to go.
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